Category: <span>Procedural generation</span>

Procedural song generation #2

I’ve made a few changes and additions to the program.  Here are some new renderings.  Feedback is always appreciated. Earlier renderings can be found HERE Avoiding_The_Dreams Nevermind_Soultions Esctasy_All_Over_Its_Face The_New_Violence Annoyance_Unleashed Emotions_With_A_Vengeance Fate_In_A_Can Junk_In_Your_Eyes Circus_Of_Musings Activism_Hurts Golden_Plans Crazy_Answers

Procedural Music Generation

I decided to revisit the the topic of procedural generation and music last weekend. I’ve fooled around with it once years ago in an attempt help generate vocal melodies and the results were less than stellar. This time, my main focus was on bridging the gap between the unique but very random sounding stuff that…